Sunday, December 8, 2013

Not Everyone Can Be Your BFF

"'s your day been so far?" I asked the girl sitting next to me at the lunch table. She looked up slightly startled. "Good" was her short reply. I nodded my head in agreement, my mind thinking of anything to say. "What are they talking about over there?" I asked her, my head pointed toward the end of the table where laughs had just exploded. "No idea" she responded and then went back to staring...or maybe eating I don't remember...her food. I sighed. Why was i here instead of where the laughter was? For the next five minutes the conversation with the girl who shall be nameless continued on this way. Me asking questions, her responding with short, unconversational replies. "Well...I'm done with my food sooooo I'm gonna go." "k."

Now obviously I really don't remember the details of this conversation, but that about sums up the feel of it. It was very frustrating to me, because it didn't happen just once. Almost every time I talked to her it would go that way. Eventually, I began to wonder if she just didn't want to be my friend. Now you're probably thinking that she was just shy, and she is, however, I saw her get along pretty well with my other friend who she barely knew. So after the above conversation, I began brooding over the idea that she just didn't like me. And the more I brooded, the more upset I became. "Why doesn't she like me? I'm an ok person. She barely knows me! And the way she treated me was just ru-ude!"

One day, while I was brooding, a thought popped in my head. "Not everyone is going to like me." And how true this is. God made everyone different and unique, and because of sin, those differences mean that not everyone 'gets' you. The 'nameless' girl is probably never going to understand my loud, weird, more extroverted nature. And that's OK. I don't need everyone to like me. God didn't intend for everyone to be your friend. Otherwise it would be super hard to maintain those friendships. So instead of stewing over why she didn't like me, I should have just let it go.

And as far as her being rude goes, yeah she was a little rude, but I have to remember that not everyone is as talkative as me. We all have our struggles, so it's important for us to be forgiving. Instead of constantly thinking about how rude she was, I should have just forgiven and forgotten. So take my advise and remember that life isn't all about how many friends you have, or getting that person to like you, It's about serving God.


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