Friday, December 6, 2013

From the Runway to Real Life: Fall/Winter 2013 Trends

Since I consider myself a fashonista, It may be surprising to you that I dislike the Runway. Why? Because so often the clothes shown are crazy, extreme, strange and unusable in the real world. Unless of course you want people to stare at you with mouths agape while they wonder if you just escaped from an insane asylum or something. I don't know about you, but I prefer not to receive those looks thank you very much. However, while we may not be able to wear the exact looks that come from this fashion haven, we can spot a few trends to implement in our normal, less crazy, wear. Below are a few chic trends from the fall/winter 2013 Runway.

1. Red Plaid.  Yep this classic is back! And in an oh so trendy way. Luckily with this trend, you can get it in a variety of ways; from scarves to jackets. One unique thing about red plaid is its association (at least in my mind) with Christmas. When I look at the print below, I think Christmas, probably because of the red and green. And since Christmas is almost here, it's the perfect time to wear this trend! After the runway picture are a few looks incorporating red plaid

This runway look is surprisingly pretty! I love the little buckle things, they're just so fetch!

This is a classic example of a plaid scarf. I love how she's wearing it with a base shirt and the sunglasses are oo la la!


This is a wonderful example of a plaid skirt not to mention a stunning picture! The skirt's long and billowy, yet  chic as well. The best top to wear with a skirt like this is a simple one. Whether black, dark green or white.

I am in LOVE with this dress. It's just so..soo perfect! I adore the edgy leather jacket pared with this dress as well. Red plaid + cute dress +leather jacket = fabulousness!

2. Print Jackets. These jackets are statement pieces and need to be worn as such, meaning you make the jacket the star and try to have nothing else competing with it for attention. The runway (unsurprisingly) failed at this this season, having other clothing items screaming "Look at me!" Don't make this same mistake! When choosing a print jacket, you want to make sure that you love it AND have something to go with it. These jackets aren't like a simple black jacket that you can wear with everything, so don't buy one that's expensive and requires you to go buy another piece, unless you are absolutely sure you will wear it regularly.

While these patterned jackets aren't terrible by themselves, the outfits look awful because you have the wacky hair and unattractive pants/skirts all competing for attention. A good example of how NOT to wear this trend!
This is a classic, stylish print jacket that's also unique because of the way it's cut. Definitely a great find!

I'm crazy about the colors in this jacket! Not to mention the print is very in right now. One thing to note is what's going on in the outfit. Nothing is shouting "Look at me"but the jacket, leaving it the star. A great example of how to wear a patterned jacket.

While this isn't a print jacket, I had to feature it because it's just so cute and it's a statement jacket like the other ones.

3. Pale Pink. This a very feminine and springy color. Which is why I was a little surprised that I saw this color as much as I did. I mean, it doesn't seem like a very wintry color to me. However, I quickly realized there are ways to make it look more wintry and fit this season. One way is to get this trend in a warm sweater, that way you'll automatically look more wintry. Another way you can "winter it up" is by pairing it with dark colors, such as grey or black. A great look incorporating this is a pale pink scarf over a black shirt. Below are a few more looks.... just don't copy the runway one.

To be honest, this looks like something an old person would wear, not to mention it's pretty unflattering. The sweater looks warm and the shade of the pants is pretty, however the shoes seem to clash with the pink and again the oeverall look isn't too appealing.

All the black with the pale pink makes this outfit look wintry and fabulous. I love everything about this; the shoes, the pants, the sweater, the purse,.... EVERYTHING! Can anyone say trendy?

I was tempted to show a skirt or scarf in pale pink, but I decided this one was better. I think it's a good illustration of looking wintry in pale pink without wearing super dark colors. And the reason she accomplishes this is because the shirt's a cozy, bundle up in me sweater.

While the dress is a tad short, the overall look is still cute and trendy. Again, the dark black tights, boots, and jacket keep this dress from looking like she wants spring to come early.

4. Stripes and Dots. They are everywhere right now, not just on the runway. With this look, i recommend being a little cautious. It's somewhat difficult to pull off. However, I have a few tips for you. If your not sure how you want it to look, you could  get the stripes and dots in one shirt already (example below). If you want to actually pair these looks together yourself, you want to make sure the colors are the same or at least coordinate. Another thing is you want to feel how the overall look is. Sometimes it just doesn't look right, even if the colors match.

Well.....the middle dude looks ok i guess...but not my fav look. And the dude on the right...well his jacket is so large on him it makes me wonder if it was a hand me down. Not to mention the outfits seem somewhat uncomplementaery. Overall this isn't a look i really love.
This trendy shirt incorporates dots and stripes nicely. A good shirt to start out with when you start pairing these two styles. It makes it much easier and gives you a good feel for how you want your other pairings of them to look.

I UH-DORE this outfit. The stripes add a little spice, but they don't distract from the dots. All I can say is "Where can I buy this!"

Notice how this pairing is almost exactly the same color, thus creating a complimentary look. I also love the belt, it adds a nice break in the outfit. This is another fabulous pairing of stripes and dots. 

I hope this post was helpful! Have a fun-filled weekend!!

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