Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hot Heuz Product Review

If you go to the hair section on Pinterest, it won't be long before you see picture after picture of hair that's dyed/highlighted and unnatural hair color like blue. It doesn't take long for many to succumb to the trend (unless you're adamantly against it). However, for those of us who are less brave to go for a permanent look, or who want to test out a color, there are other options than dye. One of them being the popular hair chalking. I was looking at ways to do this when I came across the product called hot huez and decided to try it out. Below is a tutorial/review of the product.

Hot huez price: Approx $10
Where to buy: Amazon, Sally's beauty supply, Walmart,

To use this product you need only two things; the product itself and spray in/leave in conditioner. Trust me the conditioner is very necessary; water won't work because it doesn't hold the chalk in properly. I just used Ion lightweight anti frizz spray in/leave in conditioner.

The package comes with four colors: purple, green, pink, and blue. As you can see, I've used a lot of the purple one. Before you apply it, make sure your hair is brushed!

The first step is to choose a small section of hair and then spray it liberally with the conditioner. Handy tip: wear a t-shirt that you wouldn't mind ruining because it doesn't take much for the chalk to end up all over the place.

Next, take the applicator and, holding it tight, slide it down your hair slowly. Make sure the cushion side of the applicator is on the inside of your hair because whichever side you put the actual chalk on will be the most visible. Tip: you probably need to apply the chalk to your hair 2-3 times.

 Here's the green!

Below is the completed look incorporating all the colors. Green and pink are on the left and blue and purple are on the right. Pink is the most vibrant, then blue and purple, and green is the most difficult to see. (Probably because of the lighting)

My review: There are some pros and cons to this product. First, I like how easy and simple it is; no heat required (like in normal hair chalking) Second, I like that it does color my hair and that it comes out in one wash. Alsothe texture of the product after applied is surprisingly ok. However, like every product, it has its cons. (Note most of the cons have to do with the fact that it's chalk and as such it's gonna have problems.) First of all, the color isn't extremely vibrant and it fades easily. I had to reapply all of them at least once. Also, you cant really brush your hair afterwards without the risk of the color fading. And the darker your hair is, the harder it will be to see the color. Overall, I think the product is ok. When you compare it to hair chalking with regular chalk, it is better, but there are better options out there such as the Jerome color hair spray. Hot Huez is good for just playing around or testing to see if you want to go permanent, but for long lasting wear, it's not the best

 I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Ok so I'v been meaning to do a review on Thor 2 for a little while now and I finally sat down my lazy butt to do it. Soooo back to Thor. Honestly I LOVED IT!!! I thought it was wayyyyyyyyy better than the first one. For one thing, it had some good surprises/twists. And Loki fans will love him even more in this movie. He had some hilarious lines which kept the film from being too dramatic and gave Thor 2 some laughs. Now no movie review can be complete without a critic of the acting. Personally, I thought the acting was extremely well done. Couldn't find a flaw.....although I wasn't actually looking for one so...yeah.....Anywhooo I really enjoyed the movie; it mixed drama with humor, the acting was good, and the storyline was interesting. So that about wraps that up....oh wait did I forget about the action? Yes, yes don't worry there was plenty of action in the film. Thor: The Dark World is definitely worth seeing in theaters.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday: 

Song Review of Come and Get It ~ Selena Gomez

Note : This song review is from a christian perspective since i am a christian. This doesn't mean however, that i don't enjoy or listen to secular music. Indeed, I listen to secular music quite often and one of my favorite artists is Taylor Swift ( lol i'm such a girl right?). Anyway, what i say in this ( and any following song reviews)  isn't meant to hurt the author/singer. Rather it is to show you the lyrics and judge them, NOT the author/singer.

Lyrics : 

When you ready come and get it
(Na na na na na na)
When you ready come and get it
(Na na na na na na)
You ain't gotta worry, it's an open invitation
I'll be sittin' right here, real patient
All day, all night, I'll be waitin' standby
Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you
All day all night, maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie.

I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
I love you much too much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet.
This love ain't finished yet…
So baby whenever you're ready…

When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
Na na na, Na na na, Na na na

You got the kind of love that I want, let me get that.
And baby once I get it, I'm yours no take backs.
I'm gon' love you for life, I ain't leaving your side
Even if you knock it, ain't no way to stop it
Forever you're mine, baby I'm addicted, no lie, no lie

I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
So baby whenever you're ready…

When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
Na na na, Na na na, Na na na

When you ready come and get it

This love will be the death of me, but I know I'll die happily
I know I know I know
Because you love me so… yeah!

When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
When you ready come and get it
Na na na, Na na na, Na na na

Ok so i have to say that without a doubt these lyrics are terrible! Honestly, the entire song is about one thing : getting her boyfriend to do things only married people should do. She's pretty much trying to seduce her boyfriend. WHY IS THAT OK TO SING ABOUT?  Is that the example we want people ( especially impressionable teens?) to follow?! Even if Selena was married the song still isn't appropriate. It is NEVER ok to sing songs like that.  That aspect aside there are other problems like:  how is this relationship healthy? After all she says "Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you All day all night, maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie." How is hating the way you love someone a good relationship? And then she says " Forever your mine"....ummmmmm so you hate the way you love him, your addicted and you want to keep him forever? Does that sound like a good combo to you? To be honest if you really think about it, it sounds rather disturbing, almost creepy.

The music itself was very catchy however and it had a good beat.

The video was as bad as the lyrics.Somehow though, it didn't surprise me. I mean if you have bad lyrics why not have a bad video with it? It was your normal, looking and dancing sexily/seductively with immodest clothing ( at times) video. However, it showed a little creativity with the tribalish thing going on. But that was about the only good and creative thing in there.

Overall the song wasn't good, in fact it was rather trashey . It had bad lyrics - sending the wrong message - and a bad video. I give this song/video 3/10. The only reason it didn't get a zero was because of the catchy beat/music

However, i would like to say that i do honestly enjoy some of Selena's songs. "I love you like a love song" and " A year without rain" are really catchy, romantic, and decent songs. They are so much better than this song. They are just as catchy and are more appropriate than "Come and get it."
