Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let it Go

It's a sad moment when you lose a friend. It hurts, so very much. There's nothing quite like the pain you feel when you know you and her will never be the same again. You'll never laugh together the way you used to, you'll never be as close. And the closer you were, the harder it is. I know the feeling . In fact I'm experiencing it right now. Why? Because I lost a friend today.

Friendship is a beautiful, God given gift. It's something to be treasured, guarded and not let go of easily. We all desire friendships that are strong and friends that are encouraging. We want a friendship that's like Sam and Frodo's in Lord of the Rings.  Sitting and staring at the tv screen watching that movie, I see what true friendship really is and I want that. I want to be like Sam who sticks by Frodo even when he is being a jerk and a pain in the butt. Sam is loyal and just there for Frodo during the good and the bad. Simply put, he is a friend. I want to be that kind of friend, but I can't be friends like that with everyone, which is why I made the decision today to let one go.

I didn't want to, believe me I've tried to avoid it, but sometimes you do just have to let that friend go. People lose friends all the time whether because they moved or they just drifted apart. However, there is the occasional time when you have to make a conscious decision to move on. Making the decision to not be friends with someone is a very serious matter and shouldn't be taken lightly. I've been thinking about it for a while and came to the sad choice that it was best for me to end the relationship. If anyone else is going through this difficult process, I urge you to really think about why you're doing it. That's so very important. You don't want to ruin a friendship because of a trivial matter.

I came to my decision mostly because the relationship wasn't good for me anymore. If the person you are friends with doesn't encourage you, it's probably time to rethink the friendship. This person wasn't encouraging me at all. Instead she was tearing me down with hurtful side comments. Now she didnt do this on purpose, however I've found it more and more difficult to be friends with her. It's hard to be friends with someone who keeps saying discouraging, hurtful things. That's not a healthy friendship, at least not for me. I'm a very sensitive person and so staying friends with this person would just harm me instead of help me.  I need some time to breathe, to get my bearings. And this hurts, it really does. But I know it gets better and maybe some day we'll be friends again . So I encourage anyone going through the pain of losing a friend to try and look past it. To focus on the friendships you do have.To go out and make new friends and to just let it go.

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