Friday, January 3, 2014

Whaaatttt You're NOT Dating??

Recently, I was told secondhand that a guy friend of mine thought I could be something if I was in a relationship with a guy. At first, I was kinda offended, apparently I had to have a boyfriend to be cool or whatever. However, I decided to just let it go and not let it bother me. But, it did get me thinking. This is just another example of how the world is OBSESSED with (teen) relationships. And part of that is because God made us to want to find love, to find a partner, to find that special someone. But the world  has taken it too far. So far in fact that we let whether we're dating or not define us as people. It's as if we aren't good enough, cool enough or whatever enough if we arnt 'in a relationship with someone.' And that is completely wrong and not at all what the bible says.

This shouldn't be surprising what with the fallen world we live in, but sometimes it still is.  Our world has gotten to the point that if your 17 and single, there must be something wrong with you. However, this is NOT true.  In fact, I think it's a GOOD thing to be single in high school. Why?  Because most teens aren't mature enough to be in a relationship, I know I'm not. Many of us have issues or struggles that we need to work through before becoming so attached to a guy or girl. Being in a relationship while still in high school also gives you more opportunity for heartbreak. Think about it, it's very unlikely that you will end up married to your high school love. And being in a relationship at such a young age just puts you in a place to be tempted into doing things that should be saved for marriage. Not to mention because you are most likely not mature enough to be dating, it becomes twice as easy to make your boyfriend/girlfriend an idol.

Now I don't think it's terrible to be dating in high school I just think it's silly and a bad idea. You're probably thinking that I'm only saying this because I don't have a boyfriend, am I right? Well i'm not gonna lie, I do want to be in a relationship. I do want to find that soul-mate that understands be better than anyone else and loves me despite all my problems. I want to find my dashing prince charming, i want to experience married life to the fullest. But, that's not where I am right now. That's not where most teens are. There are soooo many other things that we should be focusing on such as school, family,serving others, a career, and of course God.

I also don't think that this is just a problem with non Christians. If you have ever been in a christian home schooled community you'll know what i mean. It's not exactly the same, but it's similar. There is sooo much emphasis on getting married or finding prince charming ( especially at a young age) that sometimes it makes me wonder if we're forgetting something. Life is not all about getting married. It is a vital part of it, but sometimes people take it too far. The world pushes teens into dating and having premarital sex while the conservative christian community puts too much emphasis on marriage. Especially for girls. They push the idea that you have to stay at home until you find 'the one' and that a career is....well not that important for girls or not as important.  Of course not every church is like that and i know i'm exaggerating, but I feel like their is so much focus on getting married or dating that young people grow up with the idea that that's all there is to life.

I'm not gonna lie, it's frustrating and hard not to be in a relationship. And in a world where being in high school and not dating is a terrible thing, it's even harder. But I don't need a relationship to make me happy, none of us do. The only real thing we need our lives to complete us is Jesus Christ. He is the one relationship that we NEED. All others our secondary. So instead of focusing so much on finding mr or mrs right, we should be focusing on the most important relationship.

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