Friday, January 31, 2014

The Trend: Baggy Shirts/Sweaters

Don't you hate it when you see someone who's wearing a baggy sweater/shirt that they look super cute in? But when you wear something similar you don't look half as good. In fact you kinda look like a hobo who has been living on  the streets for the past month.......Not realllyy the look you were going for. Why do some girls get to be comfortable AND cute? Well for them it may just come naturally, sigh. However, even the *blessed* ones have their tricks and lucky for us, I know them! These tips will help you look fabulous while still being comfortable and warm, a necessity during these winter months. 

First things first, you must have balance in your outfit. Please, please don't wear a baggy sweater with baggy jeans. It looks off because everything is wide and ballooning out. The absolute best thing to pair with a baggy sweatshirt/t-shirt is skinny jeans. These jeans provide balance to the big top and keep you from looking frumpy. If you don't have skinny jeans, try for some tight, straight leg jeans; they're pretty similar to skinny jeans and are a better option than baggy or flared jeans.

Another key component of looking good in these tops is color. Trust me, this is not something you want to forget. It's important to get a sweater/shirt in a color that makes you look good. Why? because the right color changes everything! For example, I know that stark white washes me out,  makes me look like I just came back from the dead, and highlights my facial problems (like my uneven skin tone). By contrast, a more cream white makes my skin look healthy, alive, and evens my skin tone. Which means I instantly look better and all without a stitch of makeup! So choose a top in the right shade because it can make a world of difference. In the picture below, see how shiny and healthy her hair looks not to mention her skin? Of course, the difference between your right colors and your bad ones will be more obvious in real life.

When purchasing baggy shirts and sweaters, you want to make sure that the style is still relatively flattering and cute. You don't want it to look like you just grabbed you grandpa's ancient shirt and threw it on. Make sure the print is cute (if it has one) and that it isn't outrageously large. (Note: for baggy shirts, having it a little tighter around the arms would add some interest)

Makeup is essential to pretty much anything, but especially with this look. you want to keep it along the more neutral color side of things, it fits with the comfy, earthy feel. Black and browns are your best bet. Because you're going for a comfy, casual look, I would stick with eyeliner, mascara, foundation, chap stick or light lip gloss, and maybe some (light) eyeshadow.  Whatever you do keep it simple and light and make sure you don't over do it. The more makeup, the more likely you are to ruin the look.

Last but not least, hair. Hair is the crowning jewel: it can make or break an outfit. It didn't take me long to pin the best hairstyles for this look (although almost any hairstyle will work). My top faves are: the high (messy) bun and waves or at least some texture. These hairstyles add to the overall look of comfortably chic. They go with the earthy and casual, but stylish, look that these shirts give.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hot Heuz Product Review

If you go to the hair section on Pinterest, it won't be long before you see picture after picture of hair that's dyed/highlighted and unnatural hair color like blue. It doesn't take long for many to succumb to the trend (unless you're adamantly against it). However, for those of us who are less brave to go for a permanent look, or who want to test out a color, there are other options than dye. One of them being the popular hair chalking. I was looking at ways to do this when I came across the product called hot huez and decided to try it out. Below is a tutorial/review of the product.

Hot huez price: Approx $10
Where to buy: Amazon, Sally's beauty supply, Walmart,

To use this product you need only two things; the product itself and spray in/leave in conditioner. Trust me the conditioner is very necessary; water won't work because it doesn't hold the chalk in properly. I just used Ion lightweight anti frizz spray in/leave in conditioner.

The package comes with four colors: purple, green, pink, and blue. As you can see, I've used a lot of the purple one. Before you apply it, make sure your hair is brushed!

The first step is to choose a small section of hair and then spray it liberally with the conditioner. Handy tip: wear a t-shirt that you wouldn't mind ruining because it doesn't take much for the chalk to end up all over the place.

Next, take the applicator and, holding it tight, slide it down your hair slowly. Make sure the cushion side of the applicator is on the inside of your hair because whichever side you put the actual chalk on will be the most visible. Tip: you probably need to apply the chalk to your hair 2-3 times.

 Here's the green!

Below is the completed look incorporating all the colors. Green and pink are on the left and blue and purple are on the right. Pink is the most vibrant, then blue and purple, and green is the most difficult to see. (Probably because of the lighting)

My review: There are some pros and cons to this product. First, I like how easy and simple it is; no heat required (like in normal hair chalking) Second, I like that it does color my hair and that it comes out in one wash. Alsothe texture of the product after applied is surprisingly ok. However, like every product, it has its cons. (Note most of the cons have to do with the fact that it's chalk and as such it's gonna have problems.) First of all, the color isn't extremely vibrant and it fades easily. I had to reapply all of them at least once. Also, you cant really brush your hair afterwards without the risk of the color fading. And the darker your hair is, the harder it will be to see the color. Overall, I think the product is ok. When you compare it to hair chalking with regular chalk, it is better, but there are better options out there such as the Jerome color hair spray. Hot Huez is good for just playing around or testing to see if you want to go permanent, but for long lasting wear, it's not the best

 I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let it Go

It's a sad moment when you lose a friend. It hurts, so very much. There's nothing quite like the pain you feel when you know you and her will never be the same again. You'll never laugh together the way you used to, you'll never be as close. And the closer you were, the harder it is. I know the feeling . In fact I'm experiencing it right now. Why? Because I lost a friend today.

Friendship is a beautiful, God given gift. It's something to be treasured, guarded and not let go of easily. We all desire friendships that are strong and friends that are encouraging. We want a friendship that's like Sam and Frodo's in Lord of the Rings.  Sitting and staring at the tv screen watching that movie, I see what true friendship really is and I want that. I want to be like Sam who sticks by Frodo even when he is being a jerk and a pain in the butt. Sam is loyal and just there for Frodo during the good and the bad. Simply put, he is a friend. I want to be that kind of friend, but I can't be friends like that with everyone, which is why I made the decision today to let one go.

I didn't want to, believe me I've tried to avoid it, but sometimes you do just have to let that friend go. People lose friends all the time whether because they moved or they just drifted apart. However, there is the occasional time when you have to make a conscious decision to move on. Making the decision to not be friends with someone is a very serious matter and shouldn't be taken lightly. I've been thinking about it for a while and came to the sad choice that it was best for me to end the relationship. If anyone else is going through this difficult process, I urge you to really think about why you're doing it. That's so very important. You don't want to ruin a friendship because of a trivial matter.

I came to my decision mostly because the relationship wasn't good for me anymore. If the person you are friends with doesn't encourage you, it's probably time to rethink the friendship. This person wasn't encouraging me at all. Instead she was tearing me down with hurtful side comments. Now she didnt do this on purpose, however I've found it more and more difficult to be friends with her. It's hard to be friends with someone who keeps saying discouraging, hurtful things. That's not a healthy friendship, at least not for me. I'm a very sensitive person and so staying friends with this person would just harm me instead of help me.  I need some time to breathe, to get my bearings. And this hurts, it really does. But I know it gets better and maybe some day we'll be friends again . So I encourage anyone going through the pain of losing a friend to try and look past it. To focus on the friendships you do have.To go out and make new friends and to just let it go.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Whaaatttt You're NOT Dating??

Recently, I was told secondhand that a guy friend of mine thought I could be something if I was in a relationship with a guy. At first, I was kinda offended, apparently I had to have a boyfriend to be cool or whatever. However, I decided to just let it go and not let it bother me. But, it did get me thinking. This is just another example of how the world is OBSESSED with (teen) relationships. And part of that is because God made us to want to find love, to find a partner, to find that special someone. But the world  has taken it too far. So far in fact that we let whether we're dating or not define us as people. It's as if we aren't good enough, cool enough or whatever enough if we arnt 'in a relationship with someone.' And that is completely wrong and not at all what the bible says.

This shouldn't be surprising what with the fallen world we live in, but sometimes it still is.  Our world has gotten to the point that if your 17 and single, there must be something wrong with you. However, this is NOT true.  In fact, I think it's a GOOD thing to be single in high school. Why?  Because most teens aren't mature enough to be in a relationship, I know I'm not. Many of us have issues or struggles that we need to work through before becoming so attached to a guy or girl. Being in a relationship while still in high school also gives you more opportunity for heartbreak. Think about it, it's very unlikely that you will end up married to your high school love. And being in a relationship at such a young age just puts you in a place to be tempted into doing things that should be saved for marriage. Not to mention because you are most likely not mature enough to be dating, it becomes twice as easy to make your boyfriend/girlfriend an idol.

Now I don't think it's terrible to be dating in high school I just think it's silly and a bad idea. You're probably thinking that I'm only saying this because I don't have a boyfriend, am I right? Well i'm not gonna lie, I do want to be in a relationship. I do want to find that soul-mate that understands be better than anyone else and loves me despite all my problems. I want to find my dashing prince charming, i want to experience married life to the fullest. But, that's not where I am right now. That's not where most teens are. There are soooo many other things that we should be focusing on such as school, family,serving others, a career, and of course God.

I also don't think that this is just a problem with non Christians. If you have ever been in a christian home schooled community you'll know what i mean. It's not exactly the same, but it's similar. There is sooo much emphasis on getting married or finding prince charming ( especially at a young age) that sometimes it makes me wonder if we're forgetting something. Life is not all about getting married. It is a vital part of it, but sometimes people take it too far. The world pushes teens into dating and having premarital sex while the conservative christian community puts too much emphasis on marriage. Especially for girls. They push the idea that you have to stay at home until you find 'the one' and that a career is....well not that important for girls or not as important.  Of course not every church is like that and i know i'm exaggerating, but I feel like their is so much focus on getting married or dating that young people grow up with the idea that that's all there is to life.

I'm not gonna lie, it's frustrating and hard not to be in a relationship. And in a world where being in high school and not dating is a terrible thing, it's even harder. But I don't need a relationship to make me happy, none of us do. The only real thing we need our lives to complete us is Jesus Christ. He is the one relationship that we NEED. All others our secondary. So instead of focusing so much on finding mr or mrs right, we should be focusing on the most important relationship.