Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's a Start

 This is my very first blog and my mind is full of interesting, crazy, random, and  hopefully beneficial topics to write about. What should i say? How should i say it? These questions fill my mind. In the end though, i think i will just write what comes to me at the time. Honestly, though, i have never really considered myself a writer, i just want to try something new, to put my little thoughts out there, even though no one may read them.

So, if anyone is out there wanting to try something new, go for it!! I was ( *cough cough* am)  nervous about writing this. Worries flow through my mind like water coursing through a river. Things like " am i a good enough writer to have a blog, " "will anybody like it " etc. However, i am going to put all that aside and just go for it. Really, whats holding you back? So here i am, writing my little thoughts. Hey, at least its a start!

~ crazychick

1 comment:

  1. Ok, re-reading this i realized my simile sounds somewhat silly. Of course my first thought was to fix it, but it just might make someone smile, so i think I'll keep it up.....
