Monday, May 20, 2013

Fashion Do's and Don'ts

To any reader, 
I just want to say right off  that ( like many teenage girls) i enjoy fashion. These are some of the things i wish more people would follow. I dont want to be pushy, so feel free to tell me in the comments if you disagree with any of these.Also, tell me anything you would add!

 Do dress for wear you're going! Now this one seems rather obvious, right? Well, it isnt always the case. I have seen a bunch of people wearing clothes that just don't fit where they are. Basically, what you wear, say to a park, should be different from what you wear going out to lunch ( namely, you should be dressier when going out to lunch.) So, when getting dressed think of where you're going and who you're gonna see.

Don't wear leggings as pants! Ok, this one is one of my biggest pet peeves. Leggings are NOT pants. Now i know a lot of people would disagree, but just think for a minute. First of all, why are they called leggings and not jeans/pants, etc? Secondly, they don't even look good as pants. Really. Even if your skinny. They hug every nook and cranny on your body, making it obvious to all where your problem areas are. Isn't that the opposite of what you want? So next time when you're reaching for those leggings to wear as pants, think twice!

Do coordinate your clothing patterns/colors. The only reason i say this is because people don't seem to care about coordinating their clothes, at all. Yes i know mixing certain things can look good, but this isn't often the case. For example, while wearing leopard print pants, you probably shouldn't wear a bright striped shirt. Wearing a simple black t-shirt would look a lot better. Also, when color blocking, make sure the colors DON'T clash. A bright red shirt doesn't go with pink pants!

Don't show everything you have. In other words, don't dress trashy or skimpy, go for a bit more class. You really really like that shirt that shows almost half of your chest? Wear it with a cami! ( I highly recommend getting several in different colors ) I know, i know its hard. After all, you know you look good. But in the end, wearing skimpy clothes will only get you attention from the wrong type of guys and you will appear less credible. ( I mean what person want to employ someone who is wearing butt- tight, super short shorts and a skimpy top ?)  This doesn't mean don't look good, just keep this in mind : Less trashy, more classy.

Do dress for YOUR body type! Please, please do this! Not everyone has the same body type, so what looks good on your friend, may just accentuate your problem areas.  So head over to these websites to find your body type ( if you don't already know)  and how to dress it. Remember, the goal is to make you look good, diminish your "flaws" and accentuate your assets
My fav websites:,,

Don't wear certain clothing just cause its "trendy" or "in style". This goes along with the body type stuff i mentioned.  Just cause its trendy, doesn't mean it will look good on you. You need to make sure that a) you like it and  you're comfortable in it and b) that you look good in it!  Don't buy if it doesn't fit this criteria

Do shop with a friend ( or family member). Lets be honest here, sometimes we are not the best judge of how something looks on us, besides shopping with friends/family is fun!! So take a friend ( or family member)! Make sure the person is honest. You don't want someone to tell you you look amazing when the dress does nothing for you. Now i know we cant always go shopping with others, but try and make it a point to  have someone with when your clothes shopping.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's a Start

 This is my very first blog and my mind is full of interesting, crazy, random, and  hopefully beneficial topics to write about. What should i say? How should i say it? These questions fill my mind. In the end though, i think i will just write what comes to me at the time. Honestly, though, i have never really considered myself a writer, i just want to try something new, to put my little thoughts out there, even though no one may read them.

So, if anyone is out there wanting to try something new, go for it!! I was ( *cough cough* am)  nervous about writing this. Worries flow through my mind like water coursing through a river. Things like " am i a good enough writer to have a blog, " "will anybody like it " etc. However, i am going to put all that aside and just go for it. Really, whats holding you back? So here i am, writing my little thoughts. Hey, at least its a start!

~ crazychick