Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sink to Swim

I was listening to music on my iPod the other day when the song Marching On by One-republic came on.It was during this song that I heard the sentence "I'd sink us to swim." At first, I didn't think anything of it, but then it hit me.

Now I have no idea whether or not the members of one republic are Christian or not, and honestly it's irrelevant at the moment. Whether or not they intended to, one republic showed a deep, important Christian truth with just one sentence "I'd sink us to swim."  You're  probably thinking "uhhhhhhh.... What? How does that have anything to do with Christianity?" Well, plenty, let me explain. If your out  in a boat that starts sinking what do you have to do to survive? Swim to shore obviously. And what does swimming do? It makes you stronger, better, healthier. Experts agree that swimming is one of the best exercises for your body. So when you swim to shore while your boats sinking, your getting stronger. Of course you need to swim pretty often to actually see/get the results, but for this scenario i'll just say that swimming automatically makes you stronger, better, healthier.

If you take this analogy and apply it to life, you'll see the deep message it portrays. Let's say the boat is our happy life, the sinking is trials in our life, and the swimming to shore is our getting through the trials. Putting it this way, it's much easier to see its meaning. Swimming makes us stronger, and so does getting through trials with Christ. You see, to get closer to God, to have a better relationship with him, we sometimes have to go through very difficult times. God sinks us so we can swim, so we can see him better.

I've never had a major trial in my life so I won't not completely understand whatever it is you may be dealing with. But that doesn't change the importance of this message. And while I may have never been through dark times, I have seen others go through them. Right now, my uncle in law is in the
hospital being treated for a brain tumor and cancer. Needless to say, things don't look so great right now. I don't understand why my cousins have to go through this. I honestly don't. His oldest is only 15 and his youngest is around 9. It feels so wrong, they're so young . It doesn't seem fair or right. My heart aches for them; and if it were my dad I know I'd feel a whole lot worse. Again, I'm not gonna pretend that I wouldn't be upset or feel like God isn't being fair if it were my dad. Because, I think that at some point, I would. But it's in times like these that our faith grows. It's times like these that we truly begin relying on God. When we truly grow in our relationship with him. It's hard, it really is. I don't know Gods plan, I don't know why He does what He does. But our job isn't to completely understand. Our job is to simply trust Him. So whatever you're going through, just  remember that God is in control and that He does love us. Sometimes, He sinks us so we can swim.