Monday, September 2, 2013

Goodbye summer,!? Wait, what? How did summer disappear so fast!? Along with these questions and thoughts comes the usual groaning, sobbing, and complaining. But, you eventually start falling into the routine of it all and perhaps even start to enjoy it, maybe just a little. Or maybe you were excited from the start! (Hahahah lucky you) Either way school has started for pretty much everyone, and so we are pretty busy and tend to forget some things. Below is some things that students, especially me , in middle school to college, forget.

1. Your family is alive, they didn't die when you started school again. When school starts, all the craziness and chaos comes with it. And this means that we tend to forget about our family. Trust me, it is verrryyy easy to get lost in all the school and social activities, I do it all the time. But our parents, and siblings if you have any, want to spend time with us. We can at least make an effort to try. If you can spare twenty minutes, help your mom or dad with dinner, play a quick game with your siblings, talk to your parents about the "horrible" assignment or the "interesting" kid in school or pretty much anything in your life. They want to hear about it, so don't shut them out.  Even if you are in college, you should still make an effort to spend time with your family. Naturally, your efforts will show and your parents will appreciate it. This time doesn't last forever (as you can already tell by how fast summer went by) so take some time to make memories!!

2.  School is important and practical. WHAT!? PRACTICAL, IMPORTANT? NOOO. I know, I know, it's hard to believe that school can actually be used in life. But seriously, school is valuable and that's something a lot us forget while we whine about are science assignment. Granted, not everything you learn about in school you will find useful. I have not used geometry once yet and to be honest, I think I was ok without it. And of course you will forget quite a bit, unless your lucky. Honestly, I cannot remember that  from the chemistry course i took last semester!! Despite all of this, school is vital and you will learn useful things. Math ( included algebra), reading and writing are all extremely important to our lives. One thing to think about when doing school you hate is that it helps build character. Ugggg i feel like a grownup saying that but it's true. At the very least you will learn how  to do things you don't like.

3. School is important, but is it worth your health??  Getting good grades is a fabulous goal, but sometimes we stress about it to much. If you tried your best, their is nothing more you can do. Just put it in God's hands. There are more important things than getting all A's; it's important to be realistic.

4. Compare only in comparison essays. Obviously, comparing yourself to others can be a very dangerous thing, so don't  do it. I struggle with this the most, and I probably will continue struggling in this area for a long time. Just remember there are wonderful things about you, despite the bad. No one is perfect, even though it seems that way. Do I like everything about myself? No, not in the slightest. But you have a choice, you can choose to sit and compare yourself and mope, or you can embrace your strengths and, with God's help, work on your weaknesses. Again, you need to be realistic about yourself.